One of the Most Frequently Asked Questions we get is WHERE CAN I BUY YOUR HONEY!?
Here is a list of places that sell HAWS BEES Honey and other HAWS BEES Products:

Inspire Farms (Downtown Mesa)
Main Street Harvest (Downtown Mesa)
HAWS BEES Local Pick-up (Downtown Mesa)
Old Brick House (Downtown Mesa)
Shipping by E.L.I. (Mesa)
Intentional Foods (Mesa)
Reconnect Mind Body (North Mesa)
Spa Minx (North Mesa)
Studio 223 (Downtown Gilbert)
Shoppers Supply (Apache Junction)
Merchant Square (Chandler)
NOTE: Each Locations Carries Different Products and Different Sizes. These are all local stores and because of that they each have unique hours. For their hours I suggest visiting their respective instagram pages.
Looking for a specific product?
(The following is a list of what we supply and may not reflect what a specifics store currently has in stock).
Large Honey: Main Street Harvest, Inspire Farms, HAWS BEES Local Pick-up
Medium Honey: Inspire Farms, Main Street Harvest, HAWS BEES Local Pick-up, Shipping by E.L.I., Intentional Foods, Reconnect Mind Body, Spa Minx, Shoppers Supply, Merchant Square
Small Honey: All Locations
CBD Rub: Main Street Harvest, Reconnect Mind Body, HAWS BEES Local Pick-up
Menthol CBD Rub: HAWS BEES Local Pick-up
CBD Oil: Reconnect Mind Body, HAWS BEES Local Pick-up
Pollen: Reconnect Mind Body, HAWS BEES Local Pick-up
Moringa Powder: Reconnect Mind Body, HAWS BEES Local Pick-up
Wax: HAWS BEES Local Pick-up
